Gloria Ferrer has a degree in Fine Arts, specializing in Painting, from the University of Barcelona.
The beginnings
It is said that before learning to write, she already knews how to draw.
Gloria Ferrer begins her apprenticeship in Drawing with Gerardo Sacristán, and also attends the study of Javier Ciga, being one of his last students.
Óleo de Javier Ciga
She entered the School of Fine Arts of San Fernando in Madrid and later moved to Sant Jordi de Barcelona, where she completed her studies in Fine Arts.
Retrato de Santasusagna
Work with the teacher Santasusagna and remains several years in the workshop of the famous teacher Ramón Sanvisens.
Fin de Jornada, Ramón Sanvisens (1984), Colección Carmen Thyssen Bornemisza
With Sanvisens she prepares her first solo exhibition, which she does in the Modern Art Gallery of Barcelona's artistic and Petritxol street, having great artistic and critical success.
Gloria Ferrer con Ramón Sanvisens (Imagen de archivo)
After this first exhibition he exhibits in Pamplona, Madrid, Bilbao, San Sebastián, Baracaldo, Zaragoza and other places, until completing twenty individual exhibitions and more than a hundred collective exhibitions.
Years later
After starting her pictorial activity among the avant-garde of contemporary Spanish art, the artist, known as "La Pintora" among her colleagues from the Faculty of Fine Arts, decides to return to her homeland where she will combine her artistic career with teaching.
During this time she exhibits periodically in Pamplona and nearby places. At the beginning of the 90s she began to have more international projection, moving her work through different art galleries and exhibition centers in Europe and the United States, as well as attending different national and international fairs.
La planchadora. Gloria Ferrer. Expuesta en New York en 1992. Medalla de Oro en el Salón de Otoño de Auterive (Francia) Colección Particular.
Gloria Ferrer has won important prizes including the First International Prize "City of Bayonne", second prize "City of Pamplona", third prize of "Basque Painters" and the Summer Salon of Baracaldo. N'Art Prize of Milan. Gold Medal of the Autumn Salon of Auterive ...
She has made illustrations for various books and magazines.
Location of the work
The artistic work of Gloria Ferrer is distributed in private collections of Spain, France, England, Venezuela, Canada, the United States, Mexico and Italy.