Why value a work in money?

Sometimes we receive works in inheritance of which we do not know absolutely everything, or it has been so long since we acquired a work that we do not know the value it can have in the present.

Having an idea of ​​the approximate value of a work is very useful information in different scenarios:

  • To insure a work and / or collection
  • To value an inheritance
  • In buying and selling operations
  • For the management and valuation of inventories
  • As information to perform an official appraisal *

* A valuation report is not an official valuation, but official valuations are based on valuation reports.

How do we calculate the value of a work?

The value of a painting in the future, like any investment in art, is unknown, but its value in the present can be estimated based on different elements:

  • Artistic value of the work (base)
  • State of the work
  • Comparative evaluations of work carried out by international galleries
  • Economic estimate calculated based on the equilibrium point between supply and demand
  • Price update based on the CPI
  • Availability to find similar works
  • Curriculum and career of the artist

Are you interested in evaluating your work?

For us to value your work is to answer several questions: how much would we buy it? What price would our customers be willing to pay?

If you are interested in evaluating your work you must follow the following steps:

Register the work and obtain the certificate of authenticity in case you do not have it.

Request a valuation report by writing to gloria.ferrer.art@gmail.com