"Gloria Ferrer is such an extraordinary artist and an incredible painter, truly, her way of combining drawing and painting makes us think of masters such as Dègas and Tolouse-Lautrec (...) Gloria Ferrer's use of lights and shadows, so good as the nature of her brushstroke, enhances the enormous drama of some paintings, and that Gloria Ferrer can also make admirable compositions with themes of less emotional charge clearly demonstrated in her still lifes and landscapes, where she gives us a pure visual pleasure with his skill in greedy brushstroke and in the mixture of colors, harmoniously combined to create works of unparalleled plastic force."
"His painting is so popular abroad, that it is difficult to see it on his land."
"Whoever visits the exhibition will be able to contemplate the mastery, already demonstrated in so many local, national and international exhibitions, in the handling of the color that draws, or in the drawing done color (...) It is spoken, it is written about its possible influences, They want to frame her, but Gloria does not fit, Gloria is herself, she has had teachers of all known, but she has also become independent of them, she is proud of her way of doing things and is free in this sense. opinion there is nothing to compare, and in this trance I remember a lot to the Fauves in general, and Degas (...), Rouault, Nonell, Marquet and Goya himself, who, like Gloria, also belongs to the Ribera del Ebro "Jorge de Navascués y del Palacio (of the RR.AA. of Fine Arts of San Fernando and History)
La pintora pamplonesa Gloria Ferrer presenta la exposición "El encanto de la figuración" que se inaugura este sábado en el Pabellón de Mixtos de la Ciudadela. La muestra, que supone un homenaje a toda su trayectoria artística (...) ver más
"Su trato del empaste es goloso y arrebatado y sus coloraciones, aficionadas a menudo a fuertes contrastes, alcanzan un intenso dramatismo"
"Alumna del imponderable Sanvisens ha denotado firmeza y voluntad, dando pronto pruebas de su capacidad creadora" B. Xifré Morrós
"Su obra mantiene una tendencia impresionista, un aire sorollesco que le lleva a plantear y resolver limpiamente difíciles problemas de luz"
"Ignoraba yo que en Navarra, tierra de cielos grises y brumosos, pudiera haber una pintora tan valiente, luminosa y colorista como Gloria Ferrer. Bien se nota que es discípula aventajada de Ramón Sanvisens" Moreno Galván.
"El Museo de Navarra recrea hasta el 27 de mayo la posible gran exposición que el grupo Danok, auspiciado por Jorge Oteiza, se planteó hacer en Pamplona (...) Leer Más.
"La obra presentada por Gloria Ferrer no desmiente los galardones conseguidos, antes bien, es el mejor testimonio de que es una artista auténtica, que devora la materia con apetencia sensual" Santos Torroella
"El brío de la pincelada, la fuerza expresiva del concepto y la bien armonizada conjugación cromática confirman la vigorosa personalidad de Gloria Ferrer"